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COVID restrictions
Ohio has exactly what you want. A defined point at which all health orders will be lifted. IIRC, it’s when the stat goes under 50 per 100,000 new cases for a two week period. Now, I might have set that number higher, but at least it’s out there. - KEVIN
Justin, why am I so cranky over these vaccines?
They probably provide some statistically significant protection of Covid-19 and probably won't turn us into pale-skinned, jaw-unhinging, skin eaters in a few years, but is it real though? I swear I don't use social media or watch anti-vax propaganda. The more Fauci and Gates insist the vaccines are the ultimate solution, the less I want one. This whole season of the reality simulation seems far-fetched. I think the algorithm has jumped the shark.
Am I the asshole for wanting to be in the absolute back of the line for these vaccines? Maybe I've developed Stockholm Syndrome and fallen in love with my captor. - KEN
I honestly don’t know Ken but I know you’re not alone.
One of the reasons I was happy to get the Johnson and Johnson shot (which has a lower efficacy rate than the Pfizer and Moderna shots) was to openly and honestly share a public assessment on the process from someone who very much believes he would have easily survived COVID. I was more careful because of my wife has asthma and was terrified of the VID.
In another world I can see myself shuffling to the back of the line with you either by skepticism or some outsized sense of deluded altruism. Probably because I would have almost certainly gotten COVID and had the antibodies.
Here’s the bottom line: throughout history we have vanquished disease after disease with vaccines. They are an effective tool. We have a deadly disease. We have the tool to defeat it. That’s enough for me.
On Wednesday’s episode of Px3 we have an interview about the dangers of mixing celebrity and politics. I think there is some of that that can be extended to Fauci and Gates who are certainly being used as political props.
Why worry about people not wanting to be vaccinated? Just vaccinate everyone who’s willing as fast as possible and don’t worry about the others. They will be the ones at risk and if they insist on being idiots, well, as the old saying goes: “you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink.” - DAVID
I agree that not everyone will do it. I also agree that you catch more flies with honey than vinegar and the best outreach shouldn’t be screeching or moralizing. My issue is more with finding every willing person you can and doing your best to remove anything but the health benefits from the process.
Nothing will happen to him. Remember Lucy Flores, Amy Lappos, D.J. Hill, Caitlyn Caruso, Ally Coll, Sofie Karasek, Vail Kohnert-Yount, and Alexandra Tara reade? What happened to the politician they accused? He's still in politics and doing very well - ABE NORMAL
Is it just me or does Andrew Cuomo look like a current day Lanny Poffo? - TRENCH
Rage Against The Machine
I just want you to know, I saw RATM *twice* when they came to Australia. One of the times we got there early and got in before everyone else. Me and me mate were right at the front of the pit, right in front of the stage. I got Zack De La Rochas sweat sprayed on my face when he was banging his head. Thats how close we were.
Jelly? U jelly? Yeah, u jelly. U so jelly, ur jam on toast.
*Moonwalks away dabbing and flexing* - SCALE
I am jelly.
Trump Correction
Did you report on any of the stories that said that Trump had tried to pressure Georgia to "Find the fraud" and declare him the winner?
If so, do you plan on covering any of the months late corrections where they admit that the whole report by "anonymous sources" was made up, and in fact a bald faced lie?
I know that "credible news sources" like to blast out the false narrative, and then, maybe, eventually, months later, possibly put out a retraction on the bottom of page 13 in a font size that would make a medical disclaimer printer weep in envy, but maybe we don't all have to aspire to such heights of journalistic integrity. - ANDY
That was mostly caught up in the GA Sen elections so I didn’t spend a ton of time on it. Can’t say for sure if I said the words but maybe corrections need to be the center of my next “How To Read The News.”
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