Feedback: Why is Justin obsessed with this lab leak theory?
Why is Canada scared of China?
I had to eat lunch!
So you guys get a Feedback email!
COVID Lab Leak
Seriously Justin, your obsession with this lab leak thing is getting ridiculous. I thought the whole point of journalism was to follow the evidence, rather than hang on conspiracy theories just because it doesn’t make for as compelling a story if it is just an act of god. So what? Not every world event needs to have someone to blame, and not every story has a nice neat bad guy at the start of it. Humans aren’t all infallible creatures who can prevent every event if we try hard enough. - PHIL
So, a few things changed when it came to me writing that newsletter. Both CNN and 60 Minutes (hardly Breitbart and the Gateway Pundit) putting their names on skepticism of China’s handling of this if not outright saying it was leaked from a lab being the top of the order. This is something that is becoming more of a mainstream conversation and I thought I had something to add on in.
Your criticism is fair but I’d like to push back on one thing. We are not owed a bad guy but we are owed an explanation.
We have found genetic origin lines for zoonotic diseases in the past, we haven’t for this.
Considering the scale of pain this pandemic has wrought, I believe we are all owed that.
If this is a biblical flood we deserve to know who defied the lord and why.
As for the journalism part, you’re right, this isn’t journalism. It’s punditry.
But journalism also requires facts and we don’t have any information on this. My point was only that if the narrative is unknowable I would like to punish those that made it so by repeating the worst possible version of events for them
I think you need to add a disclaimer that pressure on China does not mean pressure on every asian person encountered. Im afraid that especially with the hate crimes being so recent, and the clearly documented increase in attacks on the Asian community that this might sound like an endorsement of that....not everyone is smart enough to recognize the CCP is not all of Asia. - RACHEL
Amongst the few thousand that read my writings I would certainly hope that this can go unsaid but… the Chinese Communism Party is an autocratic regime that does not represent all Chinese people let alone all asian people.
I am fine saying it but for the love of God, please tell me that could have gone unsaid?
It's amazing to see the change in China's news coverage and the political and media pull they have. They treat Canada like shit, yet Trudeau acts like they got video of him canoodling with a horse. It's a pretty stark contrast against his relationship with Trump. 80% of our trade is with you guys, yet Trudeau couldn't hide his disdain for your former president. Xi arrests two random Canadians out of spite and he's like "you guys want to build a 5G network over here? What if we make people quarantine at your hotels at their expense?" - KEN
Even though there will be no feedback email, and you'll likely be too busy to respond, my $0.02.
Thanks for calling out the CCP and calling for them to have to answer for their actions.
They kept the WHO investigation team out for a full year. That's a year for any evidence to fade, disappear, be covered up, etc.
The reason why it spread as bad as it did in the beginning is because the CCP lied, and they couldn't have done it without high level cooperation with the WHO. They held off the investigation for way too long, and they couldn't have done it without high level cooperation with the WHO.
And when they were finally let in, the investigation team allowed themselves to be taken on a propaganda tour, instead of doing any actual investigating.
There should be a full investigation of the WHO, as they definitely share blame. - ANDY
A wise friend of my said about the CCP: “they aren’t the master manipulators they think they are when they’re trying to fool people who don’t have a gun to their head.